Secondary school/Sixth form

Secondary school through Sofia distans

For students in secondary school, we refer to Sofia Distance, which is a distance learning school based in Stockholm that, on behalf of the Swedish National Agency for Education, offers secondary school studies for Swedish students abroad. Students can study in our premises with our supervisors but receive their materials and planning from Sofia Distance.

The teachers in Stockholm at Sofia Distance assess exams and assignments and assign all grades. Two applications are made, one to Sofia Distance and one to the Swedish International School. This means two school fees, one to Sofia Distance where you may be eligible for a grant from the Swedish National Agency for Education, which then greatly reduces the fee. In addition, you pay a fee to our school for premises, supervisors, meals, activities, etc.

Students studying remotely work independently but are still part of a community in the secondary school class and participate in the school’s various activities and events.

Welcome to attend secondary school with us. Apply here.

Learn more about Sofia Distans and apply for school here


Sixth Form through Hermods

Hermods Distance Sixth Form (equivalent to gymnasium) offers distance sixth form education for youth residing abroad due to at least one parent’s employment. Hermods Distance sixth form operates on behalf of the Swedish National Agency for Education.

At Hermods, students can study the following preparatory high school programs:

  • The Science Programme
  • The Social Science Programme
  • The Economics Programme
  • The Technology Programme
  • The Humanities Programme

Hermods also offers over 150 individual courses at the high school level. Since Hermods Distance sixth form does not have any capacity limitations, eligible students who belong to the target group of Swedish sixth form students residing abroad can enroll.

Applications for space in our premises with supervisors for Hermods distance studies are made here.

Applications to Hermods are made here.

To finance the studies, it is possible to apply to the Swedish National Agency for Education for state aid for Swedish education abroad.

The guardian’s employment must meet certain conditions for eligibility for government subsidies. Therefore, it is only possible to apply for government subsidies for families where the student accompanies the guardian.

You can find criteria for government subsidies and application forms at Skolverkets website. There you will also find the forms to be filled out.

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